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Educational Opportunity Program

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The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) was established in 1967 by former NYS Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve. Today over 70,000 students have graduated from EOP. Currently, EOP has grown to 48 SUNY campuses including SUNY Niagara. EOP students can only be admitted and start in the fall semester.

Who We Serve

  • Students who are considered historically under-served
  • Students who require additional academic support
  • Students who show commitment and potential to complete an academic program

How We Serve

  • Three week Summer Academy for successful transition into a college community
  • Academic workshops and tutoring services
  • Counseling, advisement, and additional support for students experiencing any transitional issues
  • Limited financial assistance
  • Assistance with the graduation/transferring process

EOP Students Must

  • Meet the New York State residency requirement (12 months)
  • Be a FIRST semester, college freshman
  • Have earned a High School Diploma, GED, or test into remediation/developmental courses
  • Meet EOP financial guidelines outlined by New York State
  • Demonstrate potential and motivation to complete a college program
  • Complete the mandatory Summer Academy

Income Guidelines

The table below lists financial eligibility requirements for EOP admission for students entering the 2023-24 academic year. Any subsequent changes to these guidelines will be posted here. In order to be determined economically disadvantaged, a student’s household income must not exceed the amount shown for its size or the student’s circumstances must conform to one of the exceptions indicated.

EOP Economic Eligibility Guidelines
Academic Year 2023-24

Household Size (including head of household)Total Annual Income
*For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $8,732 for each additional person.

Income GuidelinesÌýDo Not Apply If:

  • The student’s family is the recipient of Family Assistance or Safety Net payments through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance; or through a county Department of Social Services; or Family Day Care payments through the New York State Office of Children and Family Assistance;
  • The student is in foster care as established by the court;
  • The student is a ward of the state or county.

Application Process

Meet Our Staff

Angela Jackson

Angela R. Jackson

EOP Coordinator

Phone: 716-614-5979
Email: ajackson@niagaracc.suny.edu
Location: A-161


SUNY Niagara EOP Office
Fax: 716-614-6820
Location: A-161