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A community college sponsored by Niagara County

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About Us

Accessibility Info

SUNY Niagara is dedicated in their mission to fully include persons with disabilities and special needs. In compliance with Section 508 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SUNY Niagara are committed to ensure that “no otherwise qualified individual with a disability…shall, solely by reason of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.”

Website Accessibility

The SUNY Niagara website meets and exceeds Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The site is designed to provide a rich experience for users of traditional browsers as well as assistive browsing technologies and mobile devices. Pages in the site have been tested against a variety of Web accessibility guidelines including:

College website

If you have Web accessibility questions, comments, or suggestions concerning the website, please email Public Relations or our Webmaster.


For technical issues regarding Banner, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 716-614-6730.

Digital Learning Environment (DLE) – Brightspace

For any technical issues, training options, and questions (e.g., building content, maintaining grades, submitting assignments, etc.) please feel free to contact the Online Learning Department at 716-614-6487 / 716-614-6488 or email onlinelearning@niagaracc.suny.edu. If you need assistance for logging in (e.g., lost password or credentials not working) please reach out to the OIT Help Desk at 716-614-6730. For additional Brightspace questions, you may contact the SUNY Online Help Desk at 1-844-673-6786 or visit their website to submit a help desk ticket. They have night and weekend hours!

T-Wolves Mail

For technical issues regarding student e-mail, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 716-614-6730 or. e-mail TWolvesAssistance@niagaracc.suny.edu.

Accessibility Services

SUNY Niagara is an academic community that values diversity and seeks to promote meaningful access to educational opportunity for all of its students. Accessibility Services facilitates access to programs and activities, coordinates auxiliary aids and services, provides access to adaptive technology, and when necessary, advocates on behalf of students with members of the campus community.

To get further information about services for students with disabilities, visit the Accessibility Services Web page.