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A community college sponsored by Niagara County

漏 2019 SUNY Niagara | All rights reserved.

Student Consumer Information

Higher Education Act (HEA) Consumer Information

The U.S. Department of Education requires that we provide 鈥渃onsumer” information to prospective students and their families and to current students, faculty and staff. Following is a list of the information we are required to provide, with links to webpages and additional information about where to obtain the information. Please contact the Assistant VP of Student Services and Campus Engagement, Robert McKeown at聽McKeown@niagaracc.suny.edu聽(716) 614-6201 if you have any questions or concerns.


Student Financial Assistance

.Health and Public Safety


General Student Outcomes

  • – Retention Rates
    – Completion Rates
    – Transfer-Out-Rates
    (Click on the College Navigator link and expand the RETENTION AND GRADUATION RATES section.)
  • Employment Outcomes

    –(Click on the SUNY Graduates鈥 Wages link, then click on Wages Report at the bottom, and select 鈥淣iagara County鈥 under Campus.)

Student Athlete Outcomes

  • (Click on the EADA link, and type 鈥楽UNY Niagara鈥 under Name.)


Clery Information