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$50,000 Grant Will Help SUNY Niagara Enhance Marketing

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Sanborn, N.Y. – SUNY Niagara has as the result of a grant program called the “Instagram Challenge.”  The program was competitive, inviting community colleges across the country to submit 90-second Instagram Reels. Lumina judged each Reel based on how well it highlighted what is excellent about the institution. SUNY Niagara is one of seven grant recipients nationwide and the only one from New York state.

SUNY Niagara’s social media team, led by Public Relations Assistants Marlee McCabe and Zach Rohde, aimed to showcase #WhatsExcellent about SUNY Niagara and demonstrate the experiences and opportunities available to students. They the college’s academic excellence, vibrant campus and community engagement.

“The grant funding from Lumina will provide opportunities to grow SUNY Niagara’s reimagined brand through creative and innovative marketing strategies,” said Zach Rohde, public relations assistant at SUNY Niagara. “We look forward to continually amplifying what makes SUNY Niagara such a special part of this community.”

“For the past two years, Lumina has engaged in a national conversation about understanding and strengthening community college brands,” said Mary Laphen Pope, Lumina’s strategy officer for participation. “While discussions often focus on challenges such as enrollment declines, success stories about community colleges and their students are rarely highlighted. We aim to change that.”

About SUNY Niagara

SUNY Niagara is one of 30 community colleges in the SUNY system, the largest public university system in the country. The college provides more than 50 certificate and degree programs to over 3,000 students and is funded by the Niagara County Legislature, SUNY and student tuition.

About the Lumina Foundation

The Lumina Foundation is an independent, private foundation in Indianapolis committed to making opportunities for learning beyond high school available to all. The foundation envisions higher learning that is easy to navigate, addresses racial injustice, and meets the nation’s talent needs through a broad range of credentials. It is working toward a system that prepares people for informed citizenship and success in a global economy.

Media Contact Information

Zachary Rohde
Public Relations Assistant

SUNY Niagara Board of Trustees Elects 2024-2025 Officers

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Sanborn, N.Y. – The SUNY Niagara Board of Trustees has elected four of its members to officer positions for 2024-2025. The board approved the slate of officers by unanimous vote at its June meeting. Trustee Katherine Alexander has become chairperson, succeeding Trustee Kevin Clark, who continues to serve as vice chairperson. Trustee Sheila Smith remains the board’s secretary. The board’s new financial secretary is Trustee Gail Tylec.

The board customarily elects officers following the college’s academic year.

“I look forward to working with our new president and leading the board of trustees at such an exciting time in the college’s history,” said Alexander. “With the enrollment growth we’ve seen in this past year, our recent brand launch, and the upcoming opening of the Niagara County Law Enforcement Academy facility on campus, SUNY Niagara carries a lot of momentum into my term as chairperson.”

The board’s next meeting, its first with Alexander as chairperson, will take place in August.

Media Contact Information

Zachary Rohde
Public Relations Assistant

SUNY Niagara Keeping Tuition and Fees Flat for 2024-2025

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At its May meeting, the SUNY Niagara Board of Trustees unanimously approved a $48 million operating budget proposal for the coming fiscal year. Under the spending plan, tuition would stay at the current cost of $2,568 per semester for New York state residents. The college’s student fee schedule would also remain unchanged.

Board Chairman Kevin Clark said that the trustees all felt strongly about freezing tuition and fees for 2024-2025.

“Access to higher education is critically important, especially at a time when so many students leave college saddled with debt that becomes the focus of their finances,” Clark said. “We want to ensure that SUNY Niagara graduates can enter the workforce or shift careers without that burden. By holding tuition and fees flat for 2024-2025, we are doing right by our students and their families.”

SUNY Niagara President William Murabito said that the budget proposal is the result of attentive management that keeps student success at the forefront.

“Thoughtful planning and strategic spending by the Board and other members of the college’s leadership has positioned the college to make this vote possible, and I am proud that our work will directly benefit students,” Murabito said. “Holding the line on the costs shows that our trustees are as committed to our students as our students are committed to SUNY Niagara.”

SUNY Niagara Assistant Director of ĐÂ°Ä˛ĘżŞ˝± Dr. Nicole Sedor said that the trustees’ action will benefit continuing and first-time students.

“Keeping tuition and fees the same as last year shows our incoming students we are sensitive to the economic pressures they face,” Dr. Sedor said. “As they navigate the financial aid process, many of them for the first time, we want them to know that. While cost isn’t the only consideration in choosing whether to attend college, it’s certainly an important one.”

SUNY Niagara’s fall semester classes will begin Sept. 3. The college’s second summer session will run from July 9 through Aug. 19. Information about enrollment at either is available online at /admissions/.

SUNY Niagara Offering Free Course to Niagara Falls School District Parents

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SUNY Niagara is partnering with the Niagara Falls City School District to offer a free college course to parents whose children are enrolled in the district. The course, English 102: Writing II and Introduction to Literature, reinforces writing skills and introduces students to the study of literature.

Classes will be held on Mondays from July 8 through Aug. 19 at Bloneva Bond Primary School, 2513 Niagara St., Niagara Falls, NY 14303. Free child care will be provided at the school during meeting times, from 12:30-3:45.

“We are proud to partner with the Niagara Falls City School District to provide this resource to our community,” said Vice President of Academic Affairs Lydia Ulatowski. “SUNY Niagara’s commitment to education extends beyond our campus and this initiative is a step in strengthening our community educational development.”

For more information or to register please contact William Brinson at wbrinson@niagaracc.suny.edu or 716-614-6258.

SUNY Niagara Surgical Technology Program Earns 100% on National Certification Exam

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SUNY Niagara is celebrating a historic achievement for its Surgical Technology program. The graduating class of 2024 marks a first in the program’s history, with all 15 students earning a passing grade on the
National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) exam, giving the cohort a 100% pass rate.

“We are so proud of our 2024 graduates. Graduating as the first cohort to earn a 100% pass rate is a tremendous accomplishment for this outstanding group of students,” said Surgical Technology Program Coordinator Gemma Fournier. “This pass rate is a reflection of the strong growth of the surgical technology program and the dedication to excellence from both our students and faculty.”

Some members of the 2024 Surgical Technology graduating class.

New York State legislation passed in 2014 requires healthcare facilities to employ only individuals who satisfy specific educational requirements and possess the CST credential. The majority of SUNY Niagara graduates are employed within healthcare and ambulatory surgery centers throughout the Buffalo and Niagara area.

SUNY Niagara’s surgical technology program equips students with the knowledge, skills and hands-on training needed to excel as entry-level certified surgical technologists.

“The surgical technology program is a cornerstone of the strong nursing, physical and allied health programs SUNY Niagara offers,” said Vice President of Academic Affairs Lydia Ulatowski. “I extend a hearty congratulations to the class of 2024 and thank our dedicated instructors for their commitment to

SUNY Niagara’s surgical technology program is accepting applications for the fall 2024 semester. For more information on the surgical technology program please visit: www.niagaracc.suny.edu/programs/surt .

SUNY Niagara Announces Winners of Annual Math and Engineering Awards

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Sanborn, N.Y. – SUNY Niagara is proud to announce the winners of its annual math and engineering awards, presented at an awards ceremony on campus in May.

This year’s recipients are:

William Shaver of North Tonawanda and Jacob Tipton of Grand Island won the Kenneth “Ben” Raymond Award for Excellence in Mathematics.

Jacob Tipton (Left) and William Shaver (Right) winners of the Kenneth “Ben” Raymond Award.

Justin Smith of Tonawanda won the Chamberlain Engineering Scholarship.

Justin Smith, winner of the Chamberlain Engineering Scholarship.

Benjamin Connolly of Newfane won the John McDonough Engineering Award.

These honors are named after individuals who made substantive contributions to the SUNY Niagara mathematics and engineering programs.

The Kenneth “Ben” Raymond Award for Excellence in Mathematics honors the legacy of Ken Raymond, a founding faculty member and longtime math department chair.

The Chamberlain Engineering scholarship was established in 2017 by one of the ĐÂ°Ä˛ĘżŞ˝± Foundation’s founding board members, the late David Chamberlain, and his wife Mary.

The John McDonough award is funded by former student John McDonough. John graduated from SUNY Niagara’s engineering studies program and is now the senior product marketing manager for Mickey Thompson, an ultraperformance tire manufacturer in Ohio.

“We are incredibly proud of the students for their hard work and commitment to their programs,” said Sal Sciandra, chair of the college’s Business and STEM division. “Along with recognizing our students’ success,
these awards represent the dedication of our faculty to creating a supportive, challenging and innovative learning environment for our students.”

For more information on the Business and STEM division at SUNY Niagara, please visit: www.niagaracc.suny.edu/bs/

A wall filled with photos honoring distinguished alumni from SUNY Niagara

SUNY Niagara Alumni Association Seeking Submissions for Annual Award

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Sanborn, N.Y. – The SUNY Niagara Alumni Association is seeking submissions for its Distinguished Alumni Award. Established in 1988, this award is the college’s highest honor, recognizing graduates for outstanding professional achievements, commitment to volunteer work and community involvement, among other criteria and qualifications.

Recipients are inducted into the Distinguished Alumni Wall and celebrated at the NCCC Foundation’s annual Scholarship Soirée held in October.

Applications must be received by Monday June 17, 2024, either online or returned completed to the NCCC Foundation office on the Sanborn campus. A resume and narrative must be included with the nomination form to be considered. Nominations will be kept on file for three years.

The 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award honored Michael Filicetti, Niagara County Sheriff and Mark Cye, president of BryLin Hospital. Cye graduated from SUNY Niagara’s accounting program in 1993, while Filicetti graduated from SUNY Niagara’s criminal justice program in 2010.

For more information on the Distinguished Alumni Award or to complete an application, please visit: /alumni/awards/

Courtney Helinski
Assistant Director of NCCC Foundation
Email: chelinski@niagaracc.suny.edu

SUNY Niagara Names New Vice President

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Sanborn, N.Y.—SUNY Niagara has appointed Alissa Shugats Cummings vice president of student services. Cummings had served as an interim in that post since July 2023.

An alumna of SUNY Niagara, Cummings has held various positions there over the course of more than 20 years. As vice president, she leads the college’s efforts in enhancing students’ experiences, administering admissions, financial aid, intercollegiate athletics and several other functions.

“I am enthusiastic about continuing my legacy of student-centeredness in this role,” Cummings said. “As a SUNY Niagara graduate myself, I know first-hand that we have enormous capacity for changing lives, and am committed to providing necessary support to students however and whenever they need it. I take great pride in leading the Student Services team in improving the student experience and supporting the college’s mission.”

SUNY Niagara President William Murabito said Cummings has brought to the position a deep understanding of the supports that help students succeed.

“Alissa has been a key member of SUNY Niagara’s leadership team,” Murabito said. “Her expertise in recruitment practices, retention and student wellness have contributed to the college’s recent gains in enrollment. I know she will
continue to be an asset in this important role.”

Besides earning an associate degree at SUNY Niagara, Cummings holds a master’s degree in higher education administration and bachelor’s degrees in English and linguistics. She currently is pursuing a doctorate at the University at Buffalo.

Zachary Rohde
Public Relations Assistant

SUNY Niagara Joins National Student Voter Registration Initiative

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Sanborn, N.Y.—SUNY Niagara has committed to the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN), encouraging each eligible college student to register to vote and then cast a ballot in every election. SUNY Niagara President William Murabito joined more than 625 college presidents and chancellors who also have signed on to the challenge, which aims to fully engage students in the electoral process.

“President Murabito has committed SUNY Niagara to ALL IN with enthusiasm and a pledge to empower students to add their voices to the democratic process,” said Vice President of Student Services Alissa Shugats Cummings. “We are proud to support this important initiative.”

By signing the pledge, SUNY Niagara committed to ensuring all eligible students are able to register to vote and cast informed ballots in the general elections and beyond. Further, the college committed to fostering a campus culture that supports nonpartisan civic learning, political engagement and voter participation.

“Today, young people are truly seeing how the decisions their elected officials make impact their everyday lives, and in this critical time, ensuring that they are able to make their voices heard safely is critical,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, executive director of ALL IN. “We are excited to partner with higher education leaders across the country to change the culture at colleges and universities around engagement in our country’s political process.”

ALL IN is a nonpartisan, national initiative of Civic Nation, a nonprofit organization that supports campuses efforts to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement and full student voter participation. ALL IN encourages colleges and universities to help students become active and informed citizens. More than 975 campuses, enrolling more than 9.7 million students, have joined ALL IN since its launch in summer 2016.

Two SUNY Niagara Students Receive Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence

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Sanborn, N.Y. – SUNY Niagara celebrates two outstanding students, Kaitlyn Goss and Brooke Wells, named recipients of the 2024 Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence (CASE). Goss and Wells were honored at an awards ceremony in Albany on April 11 hosted by SUNY Chancellor John B. King, Jr.

The CASE is SUNY’s highest honor for academic excellence and leadership. It recognizes students for outstanding achievements throughout their SUNY experience in areas including academics, leadership, campus involvement,
community service and the arts. Goss enrolled at SUNY Niagara in the fall of 2021 and will graduate this May with
an associate degree in radiologic technology. She currently holds a 3.68 GPA and identifies as a woman over 30 returning to school to make a difference in the lives of others.

Wells will graduate from SUNY Niagara this May with an associate degree in nursing. Upon graduation, she will be employed at Rochester General Hospital in the nurse residency program for emergency nursing. She has plans to further her education by enrolling in a SUNY bachelor’s degree program in the next year. Obtaining a degree is a major accomplishment as she will become the first member of her family to do so.

“I am absolutely thrilled to congratulate Kaitlyn and Brooke on receiving this prestigious award. They represent the best of SUNY Niagara through their dedication to academic, personal and professional growth,” said SUNY Niagara
President Dr. William J. Murabito.

Zachary Rohde
Public Relations Assistant